Details about the website owner.
Everything in this site are opinions, my opinions, and none of them represent those of my current or previous employers.
My name is Guillermo Sandoval. I'm a Software Engineer by day, professional bug writer by night. I'm passionate about most things software and am rather enthusiastic of the original hacking scene, which I think now has evolved into the makers movement.
I'm originally from Mexico, but have been living abroad for quite some time now. And while my mother language is Spanish, I write this site in English because my professional environment is in the U.S.
Ironically, while being very passionate about technology, my footprint online is rather small. If you are looking to connect email me to the letter m, at this domain - so that is the but replacing the letter a with the @ symbol.
Educational background
I studied my bachelor's degree in the now National Technological Institute of Mexico. My bachelor degree is roughly equivalent to Computer Science. I used to argue that it was closer to Computer Engineering, but experts in the area seem to disagree, it's not important.
Some time after graduating I started the graduate program of Cybertronics at the La Salle university. I completed about 19 courses but never completed the degree.
I'm at a point in my life where I acknowledge myself as someone who loves learning, but doesn't like school that much.
Work experience
I have been working for Google as a Software Engineer since early 2018. I work on a team that develops infrastructure.
Before that I used to work for Critical Mix - a company in the market research field. I worked as a DevOps engineer for several years. It was an early Cloud computing adopting company. And before market research I spent some time in the financial, communications and the health care sectors.
In the past +10 years I have been fortunate to land in jobs that have always proven challenging and fun, but what I've always found the most rewarding has been the extremely unique people I've got to worked with. I'm extremely grateful with so many of my previous co-workers and friends; they have provided their own point of view, many times different from mine, and they've showed me a new way, a new inspiration.