Enter Totopo
A starting ingredient for great recipes.
I've looked into having a proper personal website for a while. One that is affordable and low maintenance. That allows me to post new content every once in a while but still not worry about patches, downtime, scaling, etc, etc. I'm gonna go out in a limb and say that there's a few dozens of solutions out there I could've chosen to fulfill those requirements, and I could lie and come up with a reason why I had to build it myself. I won't. The truth is I like F# and this was an excuse to build something using it: enter Totopo.Totopo is a barebones HTTP server. It's currently hosting this website and checks the following laundry list:
- Routes requests to serve (mostly) static content.
- Uses Google Cloud services:
- Reads mustache templates from a Cloud Storage bucket.
- Runs on Cloud Run.
- Logs to Cloud Logging.
Totopo is released as open source, and you can check it out in my bug tracker, and I'll be rambling more about it in a future post. I plan to write an entry about how to deploy it to your own Google Cloud account.
2021-01-04 • Guillermo Sandoval